Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cabot Attends a Quinceanera

I was lucky enough to be invited to a Quinceanera. This was the 15th birthday party for Stephanie.
In Spanish cultures the Quince is a very big deal!  It is supposed to signify the change to young adulthood for girls.  It is very much like a Sweet Sixteen or a Bat Mizvah.

They had a REALLY big party that was held at an event center and about 300 people were there!  Friends and family came from as far away as Texas, California, and Georgia to attend.  There was food and music, cake and even a choreographed dance routine from Steph and her friends as entertainment!  It was an amazing party!!

Here I am with a mariachi band they brought in to serenade us during the dinner hours!

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